A Life In A Day
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Saviour   |   Schizophrenia   |   Seconds   |   Serene   |   Shirley   |   Silence   |   Silver   |   Simple   |   Sleep   |   Slice   |   Slip   |   Speechless   |   Stand   |   Sting   |   Stormy   |   Strategy   |   Suicidal   |   Sunrise   |   Support   |   Teach   |   The Band   |   The voice   |   The War   |   Thoughts   |   Time   |   Tomorrow   |   Tortured   |   Touched

Assignated to a life not wanted
Appeased by nothing
Forced to live carefully
Amidst the ranks of the dead
Control is not a viable option
Nor is insanity
Carelessness abounds here
Taking me by the hand

Elisabeth Stover 2001